5 Things About Genre Writing that No Publishing Company Tells You
You’ve already read all the how-to articles. As in, how to get an agent. How to get a publishing contract. How to write a page-turner....

Happy Birthday Kindle? Not so much happy as confused. Like, wtf happened?
This month Kindle turned ten. Happy Anniversary to Amazon and its extraordinary sell-out gadget. A year after launch, ebooks began to...

What Are Book Apps and Why Aren’t They Getting More Attention?
At the London Book Fair I dropped a fair amount of loose change to attend a one-day workshop on new technologies in publishing. Seminars...

Make Your Instagram POP!
In this day and age, social media is everywhere...
This has created an ever increasing number of people that have risen to social media ‘fa

Promote Your Novel Online
Developing your social brand (that’s right, you are now a brand) is tough at first. That’s because the trick to building up your online pres